Sticks And Stones May Break Your Bones, But Preventing This Damage While Living With Osteoporosis Is Possible

Osteoporosis is a serious condition that weakens your bone mass. Due to this decrease in bone density, the condition causes pain and mobility issues while increasing your risk of bone fractures. While shocking to learn, an estimated 1.5 million people suffer a fracture due to disease of the bone. You or a family member may have broken a bone in an accident in the past, but fractures due to osteoporosis can be even more painful. If you have recently been diagnosed with this disease of the bone, protecting yourself from painful bone fractures is essential. Using this guide, you can protect yourself from bone fractures while living with osteoporosis.


Many people believe exercising increases the risk of breaking bones. However, exercising can actually improve your bone health.

Bones are living tissue, which requires exercise to grow and thrive. If you do not exercise, your osteoporosis will worsen, severely weakening your bones.

Exercise not only strengthens your bones, but it also improves your balance and endurance. This better balance and coordination will actually decrease your risk of slips and falls.

Of course, you should consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise program. Your doctor will most likely recommend weight-bearing exercises and resistance training to strengthen your bones in a safe manner. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Lifting Weights
  • Yoga

Avoid high-impact exercises, such as jogging or tennis, since these exercises place extra pressure on your joints and bones.

Consider investing in a supportive pair of tennis shoes that have rubber soles. These shoes will grip floors that may be slippery while providing you with ample support.


One common myth associated with osteoporosis is that having an excess amount of fat on the body will protect weakened bones. Unfortunately, this is not the case, since carrying around excess weight places extra pressure on bones. If you have osteoporosis and are overweight, begin a diet and exercise plan to help reduce your weight.

To lose weight, reduce the amount of sugary and starchy foods you eat each day. Also, add lean proteins to your daily diet. Baked or boiled fish and chicken are rich in protein while being low in fat. Consume green, leafy vegetables, such as kale and spinach, which are loaded with key nutrients. Low-fat dairy, cheese, and yogurt are all good sources of calcium, which is key to your bone health.

Taking daily supplements can also improve your bone health. A multi-vitamin is a smart supplement, but you should make sure it provides you with a sufficient dosage of vitamins and minerals. Vitamin D and K, magnesium, and potassium are all necessary for improving your bone health.

You most likely receive about 500 to 700 milligrams of calcium though your daily diet, but 1,200 to 1,500 milligrams are recommended for older adults that have a weakened bone mass. To reduce your risk of fractures by strengthening your bones, consider adding a calcium supplement to your daily regimen.


Slips and falls are common at home, so you should prepare your personal space to prevent possible accidents.

Make sure your floors are free of cords, cables, and clutter. Place rugs or runners on wood, tile, or vinyl floors. Make sure the rugs and runners have rubber backings, which will grip the floors to reduce your risk of slips and falls. Your bathrooms should also have durable floor mats with rubber backings.

Inspect the handrails on your stairs to ensure they are sturdy and functional, as well. Install safety bars in your bathtub and shower, which will keep you sturdy after bathing.

Living with osteoporosis is possible, but protecting yourself from dangerously painful fractures is important. With these tips and the help of your doctor, you can strengthen your bones to prevent breaks while living with osteoporosis. Contact a clinic like Sarasota Arthritis Center for more information.

About Me

Working With Excellent Physicians

I have never been one of those people who love going to the doctor, but a few years ago I was told that I had a serious back condition. I needed my doctor's help to cope with the daily pain I was experiencing, and it really helped a lot. My team of medical professionals was excellent, and I quickly found my condition well-controlled and comfortable. This blog is all about finding the right team of doctors and communicating with them effectively. By knowing how to choose a doctor and talk with them in a clear, concise manner, you can make your recovery easier.
