3 Medical Conditions That Can Slow Healing After Eye Surgery

If you are anticipating upcoming eye surgery, it is important that you list your current and past medical history on your pre-operative paperwork. Doing so helps the medical staff prepare for any potential problems both during and after your surgery.

While minor eye surgeries such as cataract removal and laser surgery to help release intra-ocular eye pressure caused by glaucoma usually go off without a hitch in those with insignificant medical histories, people who have certain pre-existing, or past medical conditions may be at risk for developing delayed healing after surgical procedures of the eye. Here are three medical conditions that have the potential to delay your recovery after eye surgery and what you can do about them:


Diabetes, especially poorly managed or long-standing diabetes, can lead to a condition known as diabetic retinopathy. When you have diabetic retinopathy, the small blood vessels in the back of your eyes are damaged. Retinopathy can also delay healing after you have your eye surgery.

When the blood vessels in your eyes are damaged, circulation is impaired, and because of this, optimal blood flow cannot be delivered to the surgical site in your eye. If you have diabetes and will be undergoing eye surgery, make sure you take your anti-glycemic medications as prescribed by your physician, follow your therapeutic diet, get enough rest, and exercise as tolerated. All these interventions help maintain healthy blood glucose levels which will help prevent further damage to your eyes.

Autoimmune Disorders

Certain autoimmune disorders can lead to dry eye syndrome. Many autoimmune conditions affect the way your tear ducts produce and secrete tears. Because of this, you may only produce low-quality tears in low amounts. Many people believe that tears are only made up of saltwater, however, tears are actually comprised of oils and other nutrients that help keep your eyes lubricated and healthy.

If your tear glands aren't working properly due to an autoimmune disorder, your eye surgeon may recommend that you use a lubricating eye drop before and after your procedure to help minimize the risk of a corneal abrasion, excess dryness, and irritation. To further help keep your eyes from drying out, drink plenty of water, avoid caffeinated beverages, limit your alcohol intake, and cut down on smoking.


If you have allergies, your eyes may be constantly irritated, itchy, and watery. These three symptoms can raise your risk for delayed healing after your eye surgery. In addition to the allergies themselves, medications used in the treatment of allergies such as antihistamines have a drying effect on the eyes.

If your eyes are too dry, you may be more prone to developing an infection after eye surgery because you need enough tears to help wash away bacteria. If you have allergies, talk to your primary care doctor about ways to manage your symptoms that won't affect the health of your eyes. 

If you have any of the above conditions, let your surgeon know before undergoing eye surgery. The more your surgical staff knows about your present and past medical history, the more likely you are to enjoy an event-free recovery period. You can find out more by clicking here, or on other relevant websites.

About Me

Working With Excellent Physicians

I have never been one of those people who love going to the doctor, but a few years ago I was told that I had a serious back condition. I needed my doctor's help to cope with the daily pain I was experiencing, and it really helped a lot. My team of medical professionals was excellent, and I quickly found my condition well-controlled and comfortable. This blog is all about finding the right team of doctors and communicating with them effectively. By knowing how to choose a doctor and talk with them in a clear, concise manner, you can make your recovery easier.
