Kidney Stones and Urgent Care: Seeking Treatment for the Pain and Discomfort

Are you having some sharp abdominal pain? You may be having a difficult time trying to urinate as well despite drinking plenty of fluids. There is a chance that you have kidney stones. However, the only way to know for sure what is causing such pain and discomfort is to head to the urgent-care center to seek treatment. The medical experts may be able to determine the cause of your pain and provide you with an accurate diagnosis.

Is It Serious? Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

Some kidney stones can pass quickly, but that is only if they are small enough. However, there are some that are too large to make it out via the urine stream without some type of assistance, especially since they can cause such severe pain. There are some symptoms you should certainly not ignore. If you have abdominal pain that will not subside, you should go to the urgent-care center immediately. Along with abdominal pain, you may have severe back pain and nausea. If you cannot seem to hold anything down, and the pain is only getting worse, seeking treatment is the best way to get the relief you need.

How Are They Diagnosed?

Before providing a diagnosis, the medical professionals must make sure you are not suffering from any other type of medical condition. In many instances, a CT scan or ultrasound is performed. Both the CT scan and ultrasound can provide detailed images of what is going on inside the body, ultimately helping the medical professionals figure out whether you have kidney stones or not. If you do have the stones, they may even be able to determine exactly how big they are using the images taken during these scans.

Is There Any Way to Treat Them?

The method of treatment will depend on the size of the kidney stones as well as your pain tolerance. If you are extremely uncomfortable and have been unable to get relief, a medical professional may prescribe some pain medication or make recommendations for certain pain medications that can be purchased at a local pharmacy.

If your kidney stones are quite large, the medical professional may prescribe tamsulosin because it is a type of medication that can help to break those stones into smaller pieces so that they are not nearly as large or as painful. You may need a prescription to help with the passing of the stones and a medication to help ease the pain during this process.

Can They Be Prevented?

You may never want to go through the experience of having kidney stones ever again because it is truly painful. While there is no guarantee that you will never get them again, there are some ways to lower the risks. Those who do not drink water regularly have a greater chance of experiencing kidney stones at some point in their lives because the body becomes dehydrated when it does not get enough fluids. You should make sure you are drinking plenty of water each day instead of any carbonated or sugary beverages.

You should also avoiding eating foods that contain too much sodium. Consuming too much salt can cause kidney stones to develop. Instead of flavoring your food with salt, consider going without or using pepper to add a boost of flavor instead. If you are careful about the kinds of foods and beverages you consume, it may be possible to avoid this problem in the future.

If you think you have kidney stones, make sure to get medical assistance right away. If you are not seeking help, the pain may only get worse. You can visit an urgent-care center such as Premier Urgent Care Centers of California, Inc. to receive a diagnosis and find out how to treat this problem.

About Me

Working With Excellent Physicians

I have never been one of those people who love going to the doctor, but a few years ago I was told that I had a serious back condition. I needed my doctor's help to cope with the daily pain I was experiencing, and it really helped a lot. My team of medical professionals was excellent, and I quickly found my condition well-controlled and comfortable. This blog is all about finding the right team of doctors and communicating with them effectively. By knowing how to choose a doctor and talk with them in a clear, concise manner, you can make your recovery easier.
