Approximately 100 million Americans suffer with chronic pain. For many of these people, the source of their discomfort rests in their necks. Although the problem is commonly treated with a combination of pain medication and physical therapy, there are some simple things you can do in your daily life that may also reduce or eliminate your neck pain, and here are two yo
- Having a child with allergies can be a little difficult at times. You may make special dinners just for your child or have possibly changed your own diets to help keep your child from feeling excluded. Feeding your child at restaurants can be especially daunting depending on your child's food allergy, as you can't be quite sure that your child's food hasn't been touch
- Impetigo is a relatively common bacterial skin infection. The condition can affect adults, but 70 percent of cases occur in children. In the United States, impetigo is the most common childhood skin infection, so it's important to act quickly if your child becomes infected. Learn more about the causes and symptoms of impetigo, and find out what you need to do to get r
- Twenty-nine percent of the population cares for a relative at some point in their lives. This decision has a range of pros and cons, and ultimately, it is a personal choice. To help you decide if you should care for your relative or outsource their care, here are some points to consider: Cost of Home Care The cost of home care varies from place to place, and in many c
- Alcoholism occurs when a person has developed a physiological and psychological dependence on alcohol that results in a chronic disease. This disease causes disruptions in the alcoholic's relationships with family, friends and co-workers. Chronic alcoholism also has negative effects on the body, which includes the brain, central nervous system, heart and liver, which