Because it's not spoken about as frequently as female breast cancer, male breast cancer often comes as a shock to the men and families affected by the disease. Men develop breast cancer at a much lower rate than women, but certain risk factors, such as gynecomastia, liver disease, and hormonal imbalances, increase a man's odds of developing breast cancer. When male br
- Spring is here. Time to prepare for those dreaded allergies. Spring allergies can wreak havoc on your life, making it virtually impossible to function with a clear head – or nose. Luckily, you don't have to suffer. Here are some steps you can take to prepare for the onslaught of allergy season. Schedule an Allergy Test If you haven't had an allergy test yet, you need
- Sunbathers often spend excessive time protecting their skin with sunscreen when outside. However, they may not put sunscreen on their feet. This is a problem that podiatrists have admitted is a severe danger, as skin cancer on the feet can be a problematic and fatal condition. Foot Cancer Is Often Ignored And Fatal Though feet bear the largest burden on a person's bo
- Whether you have lost a significant amount of weight or never genuinely struggled with your weight, it is common to have stubborn areas of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. Fortunately, liposuction can help you achieve the ideal shape. Before you commit to having the procedure, there are ways you can improve your experience and satisfaction with the result
- It's a little surprising to many people to find out they can develop an allergy later in life. Many people assume allergies start in childhood, but they can actually start at any time. If you find yourself suddenly sneezing or showing cold symptoms for no reason, it's possible you've developed an allergy. Where Did Your Allergy Come From? A few things can lead to alle